There are many ways people spell crack seed including cracked seed, crackseed, and crack seed. This sweet sour and tangy item derived its name because the pit of the seed is cracked up inside, hence crackseed. Crackseed lovers around the globe come to Crack Seed Center to fill their crackseed cravings. When people think of the word crackseed, their mouth starts to salivate. They conjur images of tasty wet morsels of sweet, sour, and salty flavors. Crackseed is also a generic term for dried asian fruits, of which crackseed is a type. Whether you say crack seed, crackseed, or cracked seed, it all means that same thing! The most traditional and well known types of crackseed are li hing mui, rock salt plum, sweet whole seed, sweet sour whole seed, sweet mango seed, and of course, crackseed.